Monday, August 29, 2011


I have been thinking a lot the last several days about commitment. This is because I have been very sick, and as I have been recovering I have been thinking about how to prevent this from happening to me again.

Here is the deal...I think I got some sort of little sicky-bug, and because I was so run-down from my insanely busy life, my poor body could just not fight it off. It didn't help that once I got sick, I gave myself 3 days to get better, then just went back to work and life pretending I was not sick. This just made me get sicker and sicker.

The good news: This is day 3 where I have felt better than the day before

The bad news: I am still operating at about 50%, which is rather inconvenient for me. I went to work until about 1 pm, came home for a nap, then went to get the boys. And I am EXHAUSTED.

Which brings me to my point: It is time to re-evaluate my life.

I spend a lot of time running around trying to do all the things I think I am supposed to be doing, what I think is expected of me, trying to be the best mother, daughter, wife, friend, housekeeper (ha!) and worker that I can be. While this are good things, I am thinking that there are only so many hours in the day and so many ounces of energy that I can pull out of this body. I need to prioritize.

The only life-long commitments I have ever made are as follows:

1. To be a follower of Christ
2. To be a loving and faithful wife to Justin
3. To be a caring and committed mother to my two amazing boys

That is it! Everything else is just extra. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and start worrying: should I have more kids? am I the right-amount of committed to my job outside the home (sometimes I feel like I should work more, sometimes less)? Should I spend more time with friends? Should I work out every day? Should I be reading my Bible every single day?

While the answers to some of these questions might be yes - I am certainly not excelling in all areas of my life-the questions themselves kind of miss the point. I don't think I need to be as worried about the tasks I complete every day, or if I am meeting some standard I set for myself or someone else set for me. I need to just focus on my THREE lifetime commitments, and do the best I can to fulfill those every day and stop worrying. It really doesn't help anyway.

Those are my thoughts.

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