Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wedding Extravaganza

This past weekend (on 9/10/11) I was blessed and honored to participate in the wedding of my dear friends, Brianna and John.  It was just the most beautiful wedding, with the most beautiful bride (and bridesmaids ha!) So, below are some of the pictures of the months leading up to, and including the wedding.  We had a bridal shower, bachelorette party, couples shower (which I missed because I was sick) and of course the rehearsal dinner and wedding.  It was a full schedule of super-fun activities, and I couldn't be more thankful to have been a part of it.   Unfortunately I don't have any good pics of the bride in her gown, but I have plenty in her party dress that she put on after the reception and before the after party.

The wedding was in Springfield, and was supposed to be outdoors, unfortunately it started POURING rain just about the time the wedding was supposed to start, so the (extremely calm) bride waited while the guests and flowers and everything were moved inside.  The ceremony took place inside (I don't have pictures of that because I was obviously a little busy) and was absolutely PERFECT.  Then we had a great time at the reception, and headed downtown to a bar/club/lounge place that had been reserved just for us.  So we partied down, and danced the night away.  It was a perfect weekend!

Congratulations to the happy couple.  And now, the photos...

7/17/11 - Bridal shower (held at my parents' home).  It was a kitchen shower, thus the apron and kitchen appliances.  This was a great girly celebration! My hair looks a bit rough in this picture.  Ah well, what can you do? 

8/19/11 - we headed up to St. Louis for the bachelorette party.  This was a weekend full of eating, dancing, shopping and relaxing!

9/9/11 - The wedding rehearsal: My mom performed the ceremony, which was beautiful, of course. Although the ceremony did not end up outside, the rehearsal was out there.  Check out this happy couple :)

9/10/11 - The MAIN EVENT.  This was the Carriage House on the property.  The ceremony actually ended up being right here in front of the fireplace.  They brought in all her BEAUTIFUL flowers, and just decked this out.  It was dripping with Hydrangeas, pink roses and other flowers.  It was perfect.

Carriage House, before the rain began. 

The happy couple.  Look at him looking at her. AWWWW... 

This was at the after party, in the cigar lounge. And, of course, we had to take a picture with Winston Churchill.  No night is complete without him. (WHAT?) 

 The bride and her amazing maid of honor.

And...for your viewing pleasure, we did a little "soul train" thing, and this is me breaking it down.  Justin is super impressed.

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