Friday, October 26, 2012

God is awake

I am a worrier by nature, and have a hard time sleeping when my worrying gets out of control. I have written about this before, when trying to talk about gratitude as a solution to some of life's problems. Today, I feel grateful for the many many blessings of my life, but am still struggling with the worrying. I heard a quote recently that addresses my current state pretty well...I wouldn't go so far as to describe what is going on as "sorrows," just more like "worries," but this is such a great reminder that I am not in control, and no amount of worrying and stressing out about things is going to fix things.  I just need to go about my daily task, then rest in the peace that God has it all under control. 

This sounds all so melodramatic, but there are quite a few things on my mind these days...loved ones with health challenges, daily challenges of raising children, the constant feeling that there just aren't enough hours in the day. It all comes down to this for me, at least for today, I can only do what I can do...the rest is just going to have to wait.  I need to remember that my God is awake.

Have courage for the great sorrows of life,
And patience for the small ones;
And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace,
God is awake.
~ Victor Hugo

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