Thursday, October 4, 2012


I haven't blogged in a little while, so I was thinking it was time for some randomness...ready?

1. Mom is still in Haiti, there have been some Internet issues. I miss her. Finally got to Skype tonight. Yay!

2. Yesterday, I was feeling sort of sick. Probably just allergies, and I feel much better today. However, I had just received my bike helmet in the mail, and was dying to try it out. I have "now" syndrome, also known as chronic impatience. It's a problem. Anyway, I went for like a 6 mile bike ride, but I went on this route that was EXTREMELY hilly. If you know where I live, I basically biked to turners and back, sort of. Mountainous I tell you. After I was done I felt so exhausted+sick+awful that I went to bed. 7pm, people. On the night of the pres debate! I'm a big nerd and love the debates, so that tells you something. Justin has provided me with some wise council about which direction my next bike ride should go.
Maybe I should stick to running, or watching tv.

3. Right now I am waiting outside the theatre to watch our local production of Les Mis. I am way excited, but decided to do this at the last minute (by myself) and the only ticket left was standing room. They told me I might get a real seat, though, so I am waiting to find out. I love theatre, especially this show, but usually do stuff like this with my mom. So it's weird. She is in Haiti, the specktacks there are a bit different from les mis, but still good theatre. That was a joke. If you haven't seen an espwa specktack, you won't get it. (Edited to add: I did get a real seat, and it is a good one. It's intermission now, and the show is great!)

4. The other day a stray dog showed up at our house. We really liked that dog (including me...weird enough) so we named him Cocoa. He went back to wherever he came from, so we don't have him anymore. No big deal, except it was weird that I liked him...I'm not a real big animal fan.

I could ramble forever, but I Gotta go. You're welcome.

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