Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Life-Changing Years

Tomorrow, my AMAZING oldest child, Hunter, turns THREE!!! To celebrate, I thought I would take a little walk down memory lane.  Won't you join me?

2 Days Old: The day we brought him home from the hospital.
6 Weeks Old: First Plane ride (to Florida to visit my family down there - why waste maternity leave without a vacation?)
3 Months Old: Uncle Zak = Joseph, Me = Mary, Hunter = Jesus.
6 Months Old: Baptism Day
1 Year Old: First Trip to the Cole Camp Fair.
1 Year, 4 Months Old: First "real" trip to the beach.  Back to Florida.
1 Year, 7 Months Old: Easter pictures with our good friend (and possible future wife) Ainsley.
1 Year, 8 Months Old: Brand new baby brother!
2 Years Old: Birthday Party, first power tool.
2 Years, 2 Months Old: Baby Brother Baptism day
2 Years, 3 Months Old: Waiting for Santa Claus
2 Years, 4 Months Old: First vacation for our family of four.  Back to Florida.
2 Years, 7 Months Old: First modeling gig, with the beautiful cousin Adison.  
2 Years, 10 Months Old: Fun at Silver Dollar City.
3 Years (minus one day):  Made his own cake, with a little help from Mom. 
The last three years have been, in equal measure, much more difficult and much more wonderful than I could have ever imagined.  I feel like my purpose in life is to be a mother, and could not be more blessed to get to be HIS mother.  He has taught me more about LOVE, more about LAUGHTER, more about EXHAUSTION, more about STRENGTH, more about PATIENCE and more about LIFE, than I can adequately describe with words.  What a blessing he is.

Happy Birthday sweet boy. 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Hunter! What an amazing 3 years for you all!