Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Get out of Bed and Shred

Ok, here is the deal.  I used to exercise a lot, then I had kids, and now I don't. No excuses, it is just a fact. I do love to run, and do other things too, so I think part of my "not exercising" is a symptom of a larger issue called "not doing things for ME."  Enough psychology, though. What am I going to do about it?

30-Day Shred

I attempted this about a month ago, and got 10 days into it and quit because we went on vacation to Florida to see family and I lost my motivation.  Well, today is day 4 of my second attempt, and I am sticking to it this time (probably).  This is a Jillian Michaels video workout that is only 20 minutes (actually it is more like 26 minutes with a warm up and cool down but whatever).  It is pretty stinkin' hard, but it is only 20 minutes. Just some thoughts, which I hope to update as much as possible (not gonna say every day...thats too much pressure). - Apparently i like the parentheses

Day 1 (Sunday) - finally got some "me" time during naps, so about 1pm. It was good.

Day 2 (Monday) - um...lets just go with "I forgot to do it today" - I am not dwelling on this...moving on...

Day 3 (Tuesday) - since I didnt fit it in yesterday, got up extra early this morning (5:30) and started the video.  I was experiencing ATTACK OF THE ALLERGIES for some reason. So that was working against me.  About 3 minutes in, the boys came into the living room - AWAKE early...NO!!!! But since I am a woman of dedication (read day 2) I kept on going.  Benny stood right at my feet, crying the whole time that he needed "A SNUGGLE!! A JUICE!! FRUIT SNACKS!!" Hunter curled up on the couch and watched me saying, every couple of minutes "Mommy, when you are done can you please snuggle me?" in his cutest little voice.  Well, I held strong for my marathon 20 minutes, then switched back to Mommy mode.  It was not fun, but really showed me that my kids and I can handle 20 minutes of "mommy is not available" time. Breakthrough.

Day 4 (Wednesday) - rolled out of bed at 6 (oops) and did my video.  Boys did not wake up until 7:15 at
which time I was dressed and ready for the day. Success.

How do I feel? More energy and stuff. I am really struggling with my energy level these past few weeks, since the kiddos are so demanding (and work is too, but who is counting).  This is really my main motivation for doing this...I can notice a difference in my energy level when I get those endorphins pumping in the morning. I sort of hope to lose some weight, and/or tone up a bit, but that is a secondary issue (I have gained some weight and should probably get on that, but my belief is that is has more do with my eating habits than a separate issue...but that is just me).  Oh, and my dad came over last night and brought me a pumpkin flavored beer, which I am sure has 800 calories per bottle, and I gladly drank it (with my pizza) because I LOVE PUMPKIN BEER!!! So, that might have something to do with my extra flabbyness.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love pumpkin beer, too! I hear Mother's is coming out with one that I really want to try. Good luck with your Shred workout! I've actually never tried that one, but I hear they're killer.