Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Zoo

Last week, mom and I took the boys to the zoo.  I have really cute pictures, so thought I would share.

looking at some Emus

My little loves.  Don't they look so angelic? 

resting on a bench while the boys climb things

train. we really love trains. this one is especially awesome, sort of reminds me of a toy train.

After the zoo, we went to cracker barrel. Hunter is trying to tell Benny what to do.  I think Benny is probably just singing to himself in his head, as he does not particularly enjoy instructions.

Checkers match. Hunter won the "tower stacking" category and Ben won the "who pooped their pants?" category. TMI? Sorry. There are WAY worse things I could be telling you, but I will spare the internet from my gross parenting moments.

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