Friday, September 21, 2012


Just a quick update, in keeping with my semi-dedicatedness.

Days 24-25 (tues and wed): no workout. Life sort of got in the way.

Day 26 (thurs): I went for a 5k run, just for fun in the evening. First I measured out a 5k around where I live with my car, then set out to run it. My plan was to run 5 min, walk 2 minutes. I have been running 2 miles straight without walking, but wanted to pace myself just incase. I was LOVING my little excursion, just enough of a challenge but not overly exhausting. Besides, I live in the country and the surroundings are just beautiful. I got about 1/2 mile from home and had to start only walking because my foot was completely numb. I was using my iPhone to listen to music so i called up my trusty family doctor (Dad) to discuss my numb foot. We aren't sure what was causing it, but agreed that I shouldn't run on it while it is numb. So, I was very disappointed in the whole situation and am now in a funk. I LOVE running and hope this was just a fluke. I've been having some lower back and hip pain for a long time (thanks, kiddos) and just hope this isn't related to that.

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