Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bday Blast (Part 2)

Today is Hunter's actual birthday.  I could write a whole blog post about how amazing he is!  I will tell you that four years ago today, my whole life changed. He is my first born baby, and has taught me more about love, patience and kindness than I could have ever imagined. The grace of God became so real to me the first time I held my sweet boy. I am continually amazed that He chose me to mother this child, what an unbelievable privilege.

Ok, enough sappyness...we had a little change in plans today.  We had planned to go with our life group to Silver Dollar City. We were all very excited about it, but it is raining (a lot) today.  While it is awesome that it is raining (it has been a drought and all) I am a little annoyed that our plans were disrupted.  Well...we decided to just move the party to the best indoor place we could think of...The Discovery Center!!!  Everybody except one family could make it for our little change in venue, so we were off!

The discovery center actually does birthday parties, where you rent out a room and all that, but we obviously didnt plan ahead or anything, but they were SO accomodating! We ordered pizza and ate our cupcakes (that I baked right before we left the house this morning) and really had a great time out in their lobby.

So, here are some of the photos. I realize this is a lot of photos, but you should see how many I took...geesh!  We did take a photo of the whole group, but it is on someone else's camera, so you will have to do without :)

Most of the kiddos posed for a picture in the house.

Sweet girls.
putting on a show in costumes.

birthday boy putting on a little puppet show.

static electricity. LOL!!!

So funny!!

my boys love this...its the Dinosaur Dig!

brotherly love

We ordered a pizza, and ate it in the lobby, followed by some cupcakes I threw together at the last minute.

Here are the cupcakes...they were not exactly nicely decorated, and I didnt even remember to bring a candle for Hunter to blow out, so he just pretented.  He didnt care, but I felt a little silly. Nice work, Mom.
Our party didn't exactly go as planned, but it was sure fun! We had a great time! Thank you for all the birthday wishes for our sweet boy!

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