Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Our labor day was awesome! We went back to the lake Sunday afternoon, and were soon joined by some of our best friends. Justin and Brent have been friends forever, and his wife, Brooke, and I have become great friends too.  Hunter says that Henry is his best friend, and I sense that Benny might have a little crush on Pearl. Our kiddos are virtually the same age, which makes things very fun, but VERY chaotic.   These little hoodlums were so excited to see each other that there was a bit of intensity there for a while, but since they are such mild-mannered and angelic children, we only had to tell them once to STOP JUMPING ON THE FURNITURE! (part of that is not true, I will let you decide which part)

So, anyway, we enjoyed our time and went out for a long boat ride this morning, fed the kids a big lunch, then packed them in the car.  My kiddos slept from the time we left the lake (about 1:30) until I woke them up at 5pm.  They were both completely exhausted, so we will see how tonight goes (cross your fingers for me).

Shred Day 9: On the workout front, I have decided to give myself a little "day off" today, but I promise to pick it back up tomorrow. Who knows, today isn't over yet, I might get off my tush and do something, but probably not. Now that I think about it, last week I took Monday off too...weird.

This week promises to be interesting for me work-wise, but thank God Justin is home to help!!

Wanna see some pics?

Excited to go on the boat!

Big boys

Beautiful day for watching some wakeboarding

The crew

I hope you and yours had as blessed a weekend as we did!

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